Consulting Services Stiles University offers consulting services specific to CNC machining centers to augment our formal training.Gerne präsentieren wir Ihnen unsere Lösungen bei Ihnen vor Ort oder online über unsere Fernwartungssoftware Teamviewer. Dann sollten Sie sich unsere CAD-CAM-Software Sprutcam ansehen.zu AlphaCam, Biesse (.cix), Cobus, EnRoute, Format-4, Gannomat, Imawop, Maestro, NC-Hops, WoodWop (.mpr)… 3D-Drucker Gedruckte Prototypen geben Ihren Kunden einen unmittelbaren Eindruck von Ihren Entwürfe und bereiten Spaß.I suggest saving as a AutoCAD 2000 dxf because I do not know how up-to-date your version of woodWOP is. Are you with me so far? Yes/No/I'm lost again? To create a dxf file you must open the drawing in AutoCAD and save the file in the dxf file format you think will work best with woodWOP.

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Woodwork for Inventor is a furniture design software package which enables constructors to work more efficiently and accurately, with fewer errors, allowing them more time for creative work by automating routine tasks of digital information preparation required to start the manufacturing process.